Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summary of Weeks 5 and 6 (Term 2, 2009)

This summary is for this week, and last week so...

Last week was a normal week except Thursday when the whole of pod 4 had an art day; no maths only morning tea lunch and P.E. The art room 18 did was card-board printing. What we had to do was some kind of system. Mrs H did a flower garden but most people did robots. I did a marshmallow-maker. Some of us have already done our wax rubbings; others are still on cutting and designing or glueing. Soon were going to do the prints!!!

This week was pretty ordinary too. We went to the life education van and met Harold the giant giraffe puppet and learned about stress. 2 weeks ago we learned about the brain and this week we learned about stress.
Guess what?
Today, Friday, we had a bake sale entirely made by Pod 2. The muffins and cakes were 50 cents each. They were delicious!!!



  1. I enjoyed reading this piece - it's informative. I will revisit to see what else you write.

  2. Hi I really like the writing you all did.So I will revisit this site to see what else there is.

  3. Wow room18 your blog is rearly cool and have rearly cool moves.
