Saturday, May 2, 2009

Summary of the First Week of school, Term 2

Each week, the class leader is encouraged to summarise the week that has been. This summary could include the highs, lows; things they have enjoyed; things they endured, something new they learn't etc. we do hope you get a feel for some of what's happening in our classroom.

Week 1

This week started off as a rough week with Bookweek and sports but we managed to fit it all in!

When we say Bookweek we mean a week when we spend most of the time with another class that is younger than us. Every Bookweek we have a different theme. This time the theme was dinosaurs. At the end of the week we dress-up according to the theme and we have a parade on our school courts. in Room 18 we spent our time with Room 7 and we created dioramas.

Some of the sports we did were netball, soccer and basketball. With all the practices at lunch we sometimes didn't even get time to eat.

It has been a great week and we look forward to the rest of the term!

TH and friend


  1. Hi Guys!

    Wow! It sounds like you have had an interesting week for the beginning of the term. I am looking forward to following your blog and finding out what happens in your school.

    Mrs Armstrong-Lush (Palmerston North)

  2. I really enjoyed reading your summary of Week 1. It's a really good but busy start to Term 2 each year! I would've really liked to see some photos from book week. I know we're keeping children's faces off the blogs because of cybersafety but you might be able to find some with masks. There were some really original costumes this year! I will definately come back and read your weekly summary another time. Keep up the great work!

  3. Wow your blog room18 is cool. You have put in some massive effort!!!! PG
